Saturday, April 14, 2012

Circle Skirts.........

I love circle skirts. They are multigenerational and seam to come back every decade in some form or another. Today I wanted to share with you some images and a tutorial I saw this morning on PBS that shows how easy it is to get that vintage 50's look on a circle skirt. PBS is totally not forgotten in this house. Since we feel that cable is way over rated the local channel has become a resource for cartoons for the kids and sewing shows for me. today I found a show called "Its Sew Easy". It totally was a breath of fresh air that relates to more of a younger audience however I still love my "Sewing with Nancey". She will remain the queen but I wanted to share the segment of "Its Sew Easy that really caught my attention as well as a tutorial from Whitney sews for a easy and fast version of a circle skirt.

Here are a couple of examples of circle skirts approximately 30 years apart.

This is the one I saw this morning that really caught my eye.


This is the tutorial from Whitney Sews that started my following or her tutorials.
She is a very talented person who has easy to follow tutorials. This is one of her first ones.
If your not already a follower of Whitney Sews please drop by her Youtube channel or Facebook page and show some love.

I want to thank all who come over and read. For a long time I have wanted to host a giveaway to my readers but I don't know who you are. Please join and leave a comment so I can meet you.

Have a great weekend,


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